Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blue Jays

So here's the deal. I am always thinking of new things to put in my blog, and I think I just have such a boring life right now. In fact the best thing I could come up with in the past week was one day I thought "ooo I could blog something about how I almost hit two animals today while driving, and that almost never happens!!!" yeah, you are probably glad I didn't blog about that after all :-P but really not much new here. I am glad it's warm enough to finally go swimming in our lake, in fact, the past couple days have heated up so fast, the lake is barely even refreshing! but otherwise, I am enjoying the middle of the afternoon swims to refresh a little.

There is another cool thing that I have been enjoying lately. we have some blue jays nesting in a tree right off of our deck, and we can see them flitting back and forth and whatnot all the time. most recently the babies hatched, and now the parents are always feeding them. here are a couple shots I got. I am hoping to put up some more photos of the babies soon!

Papa mama feeding the chicks

Monday, June 1, 2009


I know it has been so terribly long since I last wrote. Sometimes I dread writing, because I feel like my life isn't exciting right now.

But God I am sure would say my life is anything but dull. right now my life is filled with breaking me down, and building me up, in ways I never could imagined. once I think I have a constant in my life, like a friend to count on, or a set schedule, or something like that, God seems to flip it upside down, so I am never counting on "it" too much, and so I turn back to Him. He has been making it painfully hard for me not to seek after him daily. If I slack off for even a day I feel so Far from him.
I am so thankful that we have a god that looks after his children so well, and is willing to discipline us to help us to behave a little better. I know I have been trying to follow hard after him, but I feel like my life is monotonous that I try to switch things up or add more to it, but as soon as my schedule gets busy with one thing, I don't have enough time for the other.

For example, I try to make time to see friends throughout the week as much as I can, but then I feel like I am not get chores and other things done as much as I ought to. And once I start feeling like I am actually being diligent, I feel like I forget about friends, or don't have as much tiem I as I would like to spend with them. God has been helping me to be more diligent lately and I happy for my efforts, for the most part. Although, it has seemed like the past couple weeks have been a little bit difficult. I have not been able to get in touch with a lot of people that I would like to, or I have put too much hope in people and not the lord, and have been disappointed.

anyway, I feel like I am rambling quite a bit.

the point to my story is that I was so upset that I did not have very many appointments set up for this week for support, and I did not have a very good outlook. however, the rest of june seems like I will be so busy I won't have much time for anything else. in the midst of my wallowing though, I was trusting the lord to help me keep going, or at least trying to. and even as slow as the past three weeks have been I have had over $300 in monthly support come in!!!!
so praise the lord.... as a friend of mine recently said "He can move mountains!"