Saturday, December 12, 2009

more "firsts"

So these past couple weeks I got to be on campus for my first time since being a student. My first day we actually got to share the gospel with a chinese girl, and then my second day we got to share the gospel with a japanese girl!!!!

we got to meet a lot of students that our staff have been trying to reach for a long time. My friends Jessica, who has been working with Bridges for the past 3 years is training me and showing me the ropes. She said that we don't normally get to see that many people. Most of the time students don't seem to be home very much. So I have been very blessed to have so many people I got to meet my first week. It's been cool how many people I already got to meet.

Tonight we are doing a Christmas outreach and we have students from all over coming with us to a church that has an outdoor christmas play thing. Then we are hanging out with them afterwards to see what they thought of it, and also just have fun and get to know each other better. There's a lot of work to be done to set it all up, but this is the last major even before our confernce over New Year's.

Please be praying for me as I am helping plan the hang-out time for the conference, and have some other small jobs, so please pray I would be able to get everything done that I need to.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Speaking Thai!!!!

As the past few weeks have been pretty busy, I have wanted to put so much on here, but I really haven't had much time.

If you don't know already, I have finished raising my support!!!!! God has been so incredibly faithful, and I am so overjoyed!

It is really hard to believe I am here right now. Here being my friend's Heidi and Gordon's house in Lansing. Last week was my first week on campus. I got to shadow some of the others here on campus with Bridges, and kind of live "a day in the life" but really it was a week.. anyway, so last week we got into conversations with a Chinese girl and a Japanese girl about the gospel, and it was really cool. My friend Jess said it is really uncommon to find people at home, but almost everyone we visited were home. (or in their dorm rooms I mean)

I finished out the week feeling pretty good, not too overwhelmed and excited for getting on campus, except that this week is planning week, so we aren't really on campus that much, we are just planning for next semester.

Although today was a bit special. I found out where some Thai girls live, and I went and knocked on their door. I got to meet 4 girls who were estatic about knowing a foreigner that speaks Thai!!! their eyes were pretty much bugging out of their heads when they realized I could speak Thai pretty well, so next week we will be going out to eat some Thai food together and get to hang out a little! I am way excited!!!!!

That's all for now, but hopefully I will have more time to write tomorrow.