Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Update on mouse

well actually it ended up being mice... I have caught and thrown away 5 mice now.... ugh! well my brother helped with one. but hopefully they are almost all gone.

I think I found the hole they were getting in too, so I need to get my brother -"Mr. Fix-it" to some and well, help fix it! :-)

As for other matters, I am still raising support. It gets hard at times, and there seem to be few people to contact, or few people that are able or interested in giving, but God surprises me every week, and really helping me to trust that it is all in his hands and not my own. I am so thankful for all the people who are so encouraging, which is almost everyone I meet with. It amazes me when people praise what I am doing. I don't think it's all that big of a deal most of the time, just that I am following the lord's call on my life, but really when I think about it, it has taken some HUGE leaps of faith to get me here, and even now the lord continues to teach me new things every day.

So I just want to say thank you to all of you that the lord is using in my life to encourage me, and help me to trust God even more.

Daily I am reminded of God's faithfulness, and I can barely wrap my head around it most of the time. but as with many of the promises in the bible that God has given to his people, God has not fulfilled them over night, but has taught the people through the waiting period. and many times people had to wait decades (or centuries) for got to fulfill his promises. now I don't plan on raising support for decades or centuries, but it is a good reminder that it takes a few months. That if the Isrealites could wait a few years, surely I can wait a few months.

So I am still praying that I would have my support finished by the end of April. I am about halfway there, but like I said, God is moving in big ways, and I am finding more and more each day to be thankful for.

so thank YOU again and please pray with me that God would get me to MSU soon!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A house "guest"

So as many of you know I have been taking care of my parents house, and most recently I have had some company. but it's not exactly good company. Actually I could do without.

It all started one night. I was just on the verge of falling asleep when I hear a small scratching noise. I am thinking, maybe it is an animal outside. I try to ignore it. but th emore I listen, the more it sounds like it is scratching on the drywall on my ceiling. Well let me share with you about my house. our house is set up so the attic is right above my room. So by now you have probably figured it out. Yes. There is a mouse living in the attic above my room. And it liked to keep me company at night by scrathing a little, just as I was falling asleep, so I would remember it is there. Well after lots of counsel and mustering up my courage I got the ladder out and stuck a sticky trap up there. Thinking I would try a sticky trap with bait like I did when we had a rat in our back room in Thailand.

So I stick the little trap up there and lo and behold, I climb up a couple days later.... and much to my surprise, the box wasn't where I left it. no, it is almost falling out the attic door (which scared me) and of course I let out a little screeam and slammed the door shut, and then proceeded to control my breathing and try to open the door again. after getting a better look, this is what I saw:

yes.... the mouse chewed its way free.

So then I resorted to the more tradtional trap that snaps shut and will get your fingers if your not careful.

Well, after continuing to hear scratching, I bought another sticky trap and went to put it up there, and what did I see.... the mouse stuck in the trap !!!!! yay!!! and Major EW EW EW EW EW. now I needed to find someone to dispose of it for me.... well I had some offers, but they all fell through, and I knew this thing would start to smell if I didn't do something soon, so I used many pastic bas as gloves and threw it all away.

YAY!!!!! no more mouse..... or so I thought

the next night.... what do I hear??? more scratching.... it seems like Jerry had a friend up there. so I had to start the process all over again... what fun!