Monday, August 25, 2008

Last week's photo of the week:
so, the renaissance festival is in town, and I am so excited to go. I don't know why but I just have so much fun, like I am whisked away to another time and another place. I think that's why I like reading so much, that you get to be removed to another time and place. Forget about all your worrys and such of today. Live the life of another.
speaking of which, I have just gotten into a new series, called the AD. Chronicles by Brodie and Brock Thoene( I think that is the right spelling) but it's about roman times when Jesus lived, and the lives of people who were affected by him and his ministry. it's pretty cool. I read another series by Francine Rivers called the Mark of the Lion, about a Jewish Christian living as a slave in Rome. it was pretty cool too. I am just a book worm though, I eat up almost everything!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

kodak moment lost....

well, I should have taken a picture, but it was too crazy and stressful as it was, but it would have been funny.....


Today I was working delivery with Jimmy Johns (yes.... I know, quite an interesting job, but it helps pay for gas and such while I am raising support)... anyway, as I made my first delivery aroudn 11am this morning, my tire sounded funny, and I thought, oh no, this could be bad. so I did what I always do when something is wrong on my car, I called my dad. well, he said his car sounded just like mine did when he needed to get the brake pads changed, so I should take it in, but it would be fine to take in after work got over somewhere around 2 or so.... so, I continued to make deliveries throughout the day and it kept making noises, and made me nervous, so I was a worried wreck all day at work, didn't really feel like talking at all, b/c I was trying to think of how much the bill would be, and how to balance my budget since I need NEED to buy a new computer, since my current one will only let me use it for about 10 min before the screen shuts off. All this going through my head, I made my last delivery of the day, was excited b/c I should be home free in a few minutes and then get my car fixed, and one thing off my mind... well I was turning out of the sub, and all of a sudden my car dips, and I hear a scraping sound, I immediately swerve to the shoulder of the road, and I look and see my tire flying across the road, bouncing around 20 ft in the air going everywhere.... snap... I really would have like to capture that moment on film.... oh well....

anyway so it turns out my tire rotation I got with my oil change the wheel got on cockeyed or something.. the guy said it happens like twice a year, (lucky me) and they are paying for all the costs everything, so not too bad a deal, but it was nuts. thankfully I was not hurt, and my dad was able to drive right over and drive me back into work so I could clock out. All in all, a more exciting day than I would have liked. here's a pic of my car if you wanna see what it looks like... it's a '92 and I seem to keep it running pretty well, so I don't mind it's, as long as it gets me from A to B :-)

Mine is the silver one

Sunday, August 17, 2008

on the road again....

Here are some more pics from our road trip: Yay!!!
Betty : our faithful navigator!

Megan trying to look tough

What I learned from Ramsey

so Ramsey on my Stint team these past two years is from Virginia and I think every time we talked about food we missed or something, all I remember him talking about is Bojangles... I thought he was kidding the first time I heard him talking about it, but it reall does exist and I ate there in honor of him

so I skipped a week....

Last two weeks picture of the week: So this past week I was in Virginia!!!! It was so nice to just get out and hang out and have no responsibilities, and just time hanging out with friends. I went to visit my friends Matt and Megan, who have just celebrated their one year anniversay.

I had a great time. I got to meet some her fun friends and we even got to go on a road trip to NC to visit another of our friends from school, Kristen, who just got married a couple months ago. It was a nice small reunion, and Meg and I had fun on the road trip. here are some pictures from my trip:

5 hours going south on I-85 whoo hoo!!

Me and Megan
Kristen and megan(megan doing a trick with a lemon rind
me stopping to smell the flowers at Maymont(a castle in richmond)
megan's favorite bridge
me driving....yay!
prettyness at the park
more prettyness

Saturday, August 2, 2008


so now that I am back in America, I am in this time of "adjustment"
people have asked me, "so are you all adjusted?"

well.... there are a few different things I need to get adjusted to:
for starters, there's the climate-the answer is yes, I am adjusted, I still think much below 75 is cold, but I LOVE IT!!!!

time change- yes, I am all adjusted back, but really the light is messing me up. In thailand it was light from abotu 6am to 6pm sometimes it got light at 5am sometimes it was dark at 7pm, but pretty much for 2 years that was the light schedule, I got used to wakign up when sunlight filled my room, and after it go dark I had 3 or 4 hours to wind down before going to bed. Since I have been home, the sun in the morning was pretty bright at about 7, which was good, almost the same, so getting up wasn't hard, but at night, at the beginning of July, the sun went down about 10, so then I felt like I still had 3 or 4 more hours before I should sleep, but I was getting up at 7:30, so I needed to be going to bed around 10! now the sun is coming up later and later, so it's getting harder and harder for me to get up!!! I hope this will get easier though.

getting to a "normal" schedule. The past month of being in Thailand was crazy as I was trying to get everything prepared to come back home, see everyone before I left, and still working, going to meetings and going on campus everyday, planning and having events, etc.. now that I am home, it's crazy because I sort of get to plan my own schedule, and having a lot more free time, it's hard to balance time with family, time with friends, working out, having a quiet time, and getting work done. I find myself spending a whole day doing one thing, not multiple things, so no I have not adjusted to balancing out my time.

Raising support thoughts on that are AAAAaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! no really, I am trying to remember God can provide for all my needs, and he has in the past, and he will do it again, and he has not called me to be on staff with Campus Crusade if he means for me just to fall flat on my face and be lacking. but it's hard. so no, I have not quite gotten adjusted to raising support again, but I think I am almost there! :-)

to seeing my friends again. YES! let me just tell you, I LOVE being able to see friends and be encourage and enjoy one another's company. I have kept in touch with most of them, but not consistently, and often times I felt very lonely and forgotten in Thailand, but now it seems like everyone wants to see me and hang out, and I really do love being lifted up and encouraged by them after a year or two of separation.

photos of the week

here are previous weeks photos: July 6-19
I know it's blurry, but it just turned out so cool! July 20-26
The sun setting outside the window of the plane-July27-Aug 2