Sunday, February 22, 2009


Fellowship: says :
1.the condition or relation of being a fellow.
2.friendly relationship; companionship. of interest, feeling, etc.

I have come to find how precious fellowship truly is. My first two weeks after coming back from Florida were a little rough on me. I didn't realize just how much I really need people. I mean I have always realized I need friends, but I just didn't realize how edifying friendship can really be, and as Proverbs 27:17 says "as iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another."

God has definitly blessed me the past couple weeks with new friendships and bringing me closer with a coupole older ones. As well as helping me reach out to those I haven't gotten a chance to talk to sinc eI was in Thailand, and it has been refreshing. I am just so thankful that I don't feel like I am all alone anymore. When I first got back from Thailand, everyone wanted to see me and hang out and catch up, but shortly after, everyone was too busy with their own lives. I felt totally out of the loop. Like I didn't belong. Like I belong overseas and I should just come home every once and a while, so I would have friends to hang out with. but that's not really friendship. not the deep kind.

so after being in Waterford, the LONGEST I have ever lived here. like lived lived here, not just been home from school for the holidays or weekends. I have finally felt like I have some community... it is still young, but at least its a start.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


so the reflection on Jesus' words that I read for today was based on Mark 8:1-2
Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat."

the Reflection said:
" But that is the lesson Jesus taught on the day he fed so many. Rather than deny the compassion he was feeling, Jesus took what was available and passed it out to the people. Provisions would be multiplied to meet the need. As you feel your heart filling with compassion for the great needs around you, ask God to show you what you can do to meet the need.... Then pray that God will bless and multiply your efforts on behalf of a needy world."

I feel like this is so relevant to me, my life, and many around me right now. So many people see needs around them, and feel helpless to make a difference, but what they don't realize is that just giving what you have or a small piece can really make a difference, God will multiply it. For me that gives me hope that God will multiply what little has been given to me in support already.