Monday, July 13, 2009

fun in the Lake

I know I need to post more, but I always feel like I post about silly stuff. but I haven't posted ina while, so I thought I would mention how this summer is going. One of my favorite things of being at my parents house is that I get to swim in the lake. It's kind of a nice reward to look forward to after getting a lot of work done. During that hot hot week in June, the lake was almost bath temperature, but after the cold weather around the 4th, it has cooled down considerably, but with the sun out, I think it is perfect for cooling down on a hot summer's day.

It's nice I get to have friends come and visit and we can relax water-side. I got to go kyaking the other day, and I forget how much fun it is! For my friends that aren't as big of swimmers, it's nice just sticking our feet in the water and enjoying a nice converesation, with a cool drink during the day or a hot cup of coffee in the evening.

I feel like summer is coming to an end too quickly, I feel the pressures of time and more as august approaches. I know that school will be starting soon, and I still have a little ways to go on my support needed for the fall. God has been doing some amazing things, and really providing for me miraculously, but I feel like I am floundering at times, that I know what I want so badly, but I have no idea when God plans on getting me on campus, and it is so frustrating.

I am so thankful that I am able to share what I am learning with others as well, and I have such a faithful team of encouragers to keep me going when things get rough.

Please be praying that God will get me to campus soon! ( if you or anyone you know who is thinking about supporting me, or may be interested, please let me know in the next couple weeks if you can!!! you can call 248-884-4746
go online at :
or write at 3895 Lotus Dr.
Waterford, MI 48329 (checks made out to Campus Crusade for Christ) )