Saturday, January 30, 2010

not getting work done

So it's saturday... I just got back from a conference, I have a list of things I NEED to get done, some of which are work related, I also have a list of saturday activities that I wouldn't mind doing today just to relax and chill out.

Decisions decisions.... This week at the conference I was reminded of time management and priorities and all that good stuff, so I am trying to make some good decisions today reflecting that.

I also had a nice start to my weekend, Jessica, my house mate got up and to use some of the leftover bread she had made, she made some french toast this morning with cinnamon apples!!! and invited me to partake as well! Needless to say it was very delicious and very enjoyable.... now I just need to figure out what my week is going to look like.... Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I don't know why it's so hard for me to post right now... There are so many things I want to post, it's just when I get onto the computer, I can't wait to get off, and posting something just seems one more thing to add to my schedule.

This week I have been at a conference/retreat for newly reported staff with CCC (meaning, just got on campus within the past year) some people have literally been on campus since January, others like me have been interacting with students for only a couple weeks so far.

This was a great opportunity for me to step back from the whirlwind of the past month or two, and get an idea of where I'm headed and what I'm doing. Get some goals in mind, organize some of my thoughts, and really pinpoint what are the important and healthy things I need to put in my schedule, and what maybe I could/should take out

It was really helpful for me to talk to some senior staff and get an idea of what to expect the next few months/years, and hear it's ok for things to be chaotic right now. It will be that way for a while, I just need to keep on moving past it!