Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I have a new update about some of my Libyan friends. So there are 35 Libyan students all at MSU. They are a part of a special program designed just for them. They are sent here by their government to learn English, and politics, so they can return to their country and be diplomats and ambassadors. 6 of the 35 are women. I know 5 of them.

One of the women, I met briefly last year, but this year, I have found she hangs out in the same place during lunch time every day. She is 4 months pregnant and wants to see a doctor, but because of communication problems, and her own stubbornness, this has been quite a difficult process. So I have been helping her over the past couple weeks to call different offices and to figure out the details to help her make an appointment.

As I spend so much time with them, I know I am not sharing the Gospel verbally, but each day I am able to share the Gospel through my actions, and my patience and just in small ways as I help her and make friends with another girl that hangs out with her. I feel so privileged to be able to meet with them, and I keep praying that God will use me in their lives to show them the love of Christ, and that their lives would be changed by Him.

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